Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Projects! At Last!

Ok I have finally gained access to the net at school so I am putting up some of my work. Hoo-rah! :)

This first work is just making a ball (or sphere *ehem* being technical..) bounce up and down. Fantastic, no? I thought it was pretty cool watching it.. Of course I'm just starting out with animation, so if I make anything look smooth and similar to what it's actually supposed to be, I am beyond "wow.." . Or course, all this was all carefully done with the help of my teacher, step-by-step, so it was almost bound to turn out good =P .

Here's the next assignment, which I recently finished, and it involved taking the knowledge from making the first bouncing ball and using it to make that ball come out of a window, rebound off four walls, and come to a stop. You would not believe how fun this was.. You have to keep in mind the size of your ball, keeping it the same volume throughout the whole animation, how fast it's going, the amount of energy it contains as it's going along (i.e. it loses more and more energy as you get closer to the end of the scene).

These next few drawings are some character design I did for my first real assignment in that class. We had to draw (stereotypically) a jock, dork, and fairytale princess. I thought I did pretty well, and this class is by far my favorite of them all (: . And.. this is all I can do for now, since uploading takes FORever. Enjoy~


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Not Technically Day One.. But My First Post!

Like my description has said, this will be a place to show the work that I've put into being some sort of animator. I started attending The Redhouse College Of Animation in S'toon the beginning of September (technically started like the third week in due to building repairs..). The program lasts three years then.. I don't know. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

So here's the game plan. I have this blog site, I post what work I can, and update when possible (or whenever I remember to S: . I can be rather lethargic some days..)

As far as this semester is going, I really enjoy this place. It feels far different from going to high school or elementary. I don't do subjects that I may or may not like and I'm not stuck in a school full of many many others.. I really enjoy working with art in this fashion and like I said, the classrooms are small. The first years of '08-'09 consist of 7 people! And there's only 4 teachers in total (two for their individual classes and the other two do all the rest). Classes are from 9-4 every weekday until around the end of May. Excitement! :D

I don't have any work at hand right now, but I plan to go to school today, get some, and bring it right back for show (: .

Til then..
