Thursday, August 23, 2012

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day 6 ["What If People Had ______"]

  So this week's challenge was to finish the phrase "what if people had _____". I randomly picked "unicorn horns". So here's a tough guy with a little sparkle (: .

Monday, August 20, 2012

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day 5 [Playground Bully]

  Here is the theme for today! Or yesterday.... Or before that. Curse you two jobs for swallowing up my art time! Anywho, it's a playground bully. Yup, it's a girl. Guy's can't beat chicks but when the roles are reversed.. well.... let's just say it's not a frequent occurrence.

"What did you say about Princess Sparkle?"

Saturday, August 18, 2012

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day 4 [Spies/Ninjas]

Apologies, I missed a day :P . It was a long, double shift yesterday. Another long work day today as well x_x . I could get the creative juices flowin' well enough today, so here is a baby ninja, sucking on a shuriken. How does he do this without cutting his mouth? Because he's a ninja, that's how.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day 3 [Cool Aquarium]

  It sure feels good getting these random doodles in each day. Today's theme is "a cool aquarium". So I could a bit more reversed image. A fish with a wacky tank of sea people (: .

"Thanks, Mom! Best Christmas present ever!"

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day 2 ["Crazy Old _______"]

  Sorry if it's been a while. I've been working two jobs plus freelance studio projects. So my friend, Andrew Doll who is working with Disney right now is doing daily sketches with his work chums and he sent me the list so I'm kind of tagging along in a way. The first one that I got was inserting the first word that came into my head after: "Crazy old _______". I thought telephone. Don't ask why.

  Today the theme is "flying". This kid.. might've fallen on his head as a child... once or twice.. :P