Saturday, February 25, 2012

Assignments, Ba-zinga!

  Ok, again, apologies, but here are the last bunch of assignments from my character design class that I have been neglectful to upload and post. (:>

  This first one was an assignment where we had to copy this charming bowler hat guy as realistically as possible. I think I made his cheeks a bit round and the shading could've been a little better. After that, the class had to draw three caricatures of the bowler hat guy without looking at the main picture for reference and also playing around with shapes, as you can plainly see.

   Here, I had to do some more sketches of my characters Mrs. Heidi and Dr. Jackson. I was mistaken in a previous post as to thinking that we had to finalize the characters so soon, so here are some more designs that bring me closer to the actual final product.

  There was some shape and proportion practice before these sketches, which I found to look very boring and not worth uploading all of them, because I was essentially tracing lines over photos :P . But here are some caricatures of some of the photos.

  In this assignment, we had to draw many many many different styles of ears, eyes, hands, and noses. As well, we had to sketch some realistically from photo reference, to better understand how those body parts looked and functioned. Drawing the noses was actually my favourite ones to do.  

  Here, I had to finalize one of my Dr. Jackson and Mrs. Heidi characters, and I so obviously chose to do Dr. Jackson because I just liked him a little better than Mrs. Heidi. In the instructional video, Stephen Silver showed us different methods of clean up drawings and one of them involved using a Staedtler Mars Graphic 3000 Duo water colour marker, so I went out and bought one. As you can see, they turned out a little wonky, but that marker is tricky to use!

  Finally, here is the last assignment that I submitted. It is a rough 4-view character turnaround. I am not really a fan of turnarounds... but the more I do, the better I get, and the better I understand 2D characters in a 3D perspective (: .

1 comment:

Kungfoowiz said...

Ah nice, you got to learn from Stephen Silver! =) I think I like your hands, ears, and the bowler guy most =) Mrs Heidi looks pretty cool too, you really push the mouth forms, I like how that is done, thank you for sharing your knowledge on this style of drawing, even tho I don't draw for anim, it's really good stuff to know and learn from. Cheers for the insight on each set of images as well, very helpful =) Thank you Jenna =)