Monday, January 3, 2011

Sketch-Out Week

... Or whatever you call it. So I found this basic idea from a cool artist so I'm gonna use it for me and others' benefits. It's kind of a mini drawfest that goes from Monday to Friday. On everyday of the week, it's something different, but it all pertains to a character you create on your own on the first day. Fun, no? This week is like a first-time run and I got a friend of mine to join me on it. Artists unite! :P *Huzzah!*

Anywho, for today (Monday) the task was very simple: Create your own character. Obviously, a good way to start off the week. So many possibilities! But I randomly narrowed it down to a bumbling bearded pirate. So here you are! Boo the Pirate! Ha ha.

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