Friday, January 16, 2009

Double The Fun

Yeah.. It's been a while, has it not? After much procrastination, I give you my next couple of animation assignments. One is basically a bowling ball falling off a box, the other is a balloon falling down from the sky with a bit of a wind to carry it down. The bowling ball assignment was pretty simple, however, the balloon carried a bit more grief with it. Can't drag myself down too much about it though, cause apparently I did really well :P . In the end, here is what I got. Hope they're satisfactory.


Steve L said...

yo nice work the only comment I have is that it seems the bowling ball falls too quick or maybe it stretches too much on the way down.

Jenna Matsalla said...

Yeah that area was kinda iffy.. ah well, I got a good mark on that assignment so I was satisfied :P. Thnx for the input, Steve!